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1. Under what authority can Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) impose drought penalties or fines?
2. Was a public meeting held?
3. How were customers notified?
4. Does the San Juan Capistrano court case make your tiered rates illegal?
5. My HOA and/or city prohibit me from allowing my lawn to brown or converting to desert landscaping. How can I be expected to conserve water?
6. Why does the district not comply with the requirements that apply to public utilities under the public utilities code?
7. I am an apartment owner and have no control over consumption at my rental units. How can I be expected to comply with the drought ordinance?
8. Under what authority can the district require that service be provided on the account of the landlord?
9. How do I request a hearing to appeal a water waste fine?

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1. Why am I unable to order a 12-hour for today?
2. How many gallons of water are in an acre-foot?
3. Are there conversion formulas to assist with CFS (cubic feet per second) water calculations?
4. How do I read my meter?
5. What types of services charges will I incur?
6. How do I know how much water to order if it’s my first time?
7. I was told that a zanjero will be coming out to my meter? What or who is a zanjero?
8. How long does it take to receive my water once the zanjero opens the meter?
9. I was told that my meter has been prorated for today’s order. What does that mean?
10. How much water can I order if I use a pump?
11. What is a meant by a short, long, and intermediate delivery?
12. What are the drawbacks of a 12-hour order vs. the benefits of 24-hour order?
13. I was told there is a surge in the line, what does that mean?
14. Will I be informed whenever the distribution system requires maintenance?
15. If my meter doesn’t register, do I still get charged for using water?
16. Can you give me a brief history of the canal distribution system and how it functions?
17. Why am I not allowed to “work” my own meter?
18. What is a split order?
19. What is an emergency off?
20. Is there such thing as an "emergency on"?
21. If I request a non-emergency off or an unscheduled on, how long do I have to wait for the task to be completed?
22. How much water am I allowed to order?
23. Do I get charged the same if my meter is on a pump line system?

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1. How do I know my water meter is working correctly?
2. How is my water use determined?
3. What can cause an unusually high water bill?
4. How can I read my meter to determine if there is a leak?
5. I'm having difficulty paying my water bill online. Where can I get help?
6. What can I do if I believe my water usage billing is in error?
7. How do I read my tax bill?

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1. When may I water?
2. How many times per day am I allowed to water?
3. How long can I run my sprinklers?
4. I have a drip system—am I exempt?
5. I have a smart controller—am I exempt?
6. Does this apply to all types of irrigation (hand watering, spray, bubble, drip and microbubbler/spray)?
7. Does this apply to gray water?
8. Do the restrictions also apply to new plantings?
9. May I water plants in my house on Monday and Thursdays?
10. Does this apply to recycled water users?
11. Does this apply to private well pumpers?

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1. How do I apply?
2. Where am I in the approval process?
3. May I remove my turf now?
4. I turned off the water on my grass already and it has started to die. Can I still qualify for the program?
5. Does the removal of shrubs, trees, pools or other water users qualify?
6. How many projects may I do?
7. What is needed in a sketch?
8. What if I can’t e-mail my sketch or photo?
9. How much does a typical conversion cost?
10. What is required in the new landscape?
11. Can I just put down rock or pavers in place of the grass?
12. Can I receive credit for replacing my lawn with artificial turf?
13. Can I install concrete patios, curbing, walkways, and driveways?
14. I don’t know anything about landscaping. Can someone from CVWD assist me?
15. How can I find a good landscaper?
16. Can I remove my turf and leave it dirt?
17. What plants can I use in my water-smart landscape?
18. Why do I need a filter and pressure regulator?
19. What is mulch and why do you require it?
20. Do I need a weed barrier?
21. Are there any additional requirements if I live in an HOA?
22. Do I need a new irrigation controller?
23. What if my HOA requires me to keep grass in my yard?

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1. I currently use Click2Gov to access my CVWD account information. How will I switch to Paymentus?
2. When will this change take place?
3. What services will be provided by CVWD’s new online payment service?
4. I am currently on e-billing. Will I continue to receive e-bills?
5. What are the charges to use this service?
6. Will I still get the information that used to come with my paper bill?
7. Is my personal data secure?
8. Why is CVWD making this change?
9. How do I get additional information?

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1. Why is CVWD proposing to raise rates?
2. Is CVWD planning to raise rates for the next five years?
3. How is my money spent?
4. When would the new rates go into effect?
5. Didn’t CVWD just increase rates last year with the drought penalties
6. Why is CVWD proposing five years of rate increases?
7. How will this impact my bill?
8. How can I provide input?

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1. What is the purpose of the RAC?
2. Who pays the RAC?
3. If I don’t use this amount of water, how does this apply to me?
4. Why is it important to replenish the aquifer?
5. What is the RAC?
6. What was the reason for the latest increase?