Show All Answers

1. How do I apply?
2. Where am I in the approval process?
3. May I remove my turf now?
4. I turned off the water on my grass already and it has started to die. Can I still qualify for the program?
5. Does the removal of shrubs, trees, pools or other water users qualify?
6. How many projects may I do?
7. What is needed in a sketch?
8. What if I can’t e-mail my sketch or photo?
9. How much does a typical conversion cost?
10. What is required in the new landscape?
11. Can I just put down rock or pavers in place of the grass?
12. Can I receive credit for replacing my lawn with artificial turf?
13. Can I install concrete patios, curbing, walkways, and driveways?
14. I don’t know anything about landscaping. Can someone from CVWD assist me?
15. How can I find a good landscaper?
16. Can I remove my turf and leave it dirt?
17. What plants can I use in my water-smart landscape?
18. Why do I need a filter and pressure regulator?
19. What is mulch and why do you require it?
20. Do I need a weed barrier?
21. Are there any additional requirements if I live in an HOA?
22. Do I need a new irrigation controller?
23. What if my HOA requires me to keep grass in my yard?