How do I know my water meter is working correctly?
Each meter used by Coachella Valley Water District meets the high standards of the American Water Works Association and must be accurate within 1.5% in order to pass inspection. When meters do fail, usually due to excessive wear or corrosion, the result is water moves through the meter undetected, causing an inaccurately low reading. Faulty meters almost always measure less water, not more. See our brochure for additional information.Water Meter Brochure (PDF)

Show All Answers

1. How do I know my water meter is working correctly?
2. How is my water use determined?
3. What can cause an unusually high water bill?
4. How can I read my meter to determine if there is a leak?
5. I'm having difficulty paying my water bill online. Where can I get help?
6. What can I do if I believe my water usage billing is in error?
7. How do I read my tax bill?