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1. Why am I unable to order a 12-hour for today?
2. How many gallons of water are in an acre-foot?
3. Are there conversion formulas to assist with CFS (cubic feet per second) water calculations?
4. How do I read my meter?
5. What types of services charges will I incur?
6. How do I know how much water to order if it’s my first time?
7. I was told that a zanjero will be coming out to my meter? What or who is a zanjero?
8. How long does it take to receive my water once the zanjero opens the meter?
9. I was told that my meter has been prorated for today’s order. What does that mean?
10. How much water can I order if I use a pump?
11. What is a meant by a short, long, and intermediate delivery?
12. What are the drawbacks of a 12-hour order vs. the benefits of 24-hour order?
13. I was told there is a surge in the line, what does that mean?
14. Will I be informed whenever the distribution system requires maintenance?
15. If my meter doesn’t register, do I still get charged for using water?
16. Can you give me a brief history of the canal distribution system and how it functions?
17. Why am I not allowed to “work” my own meter?
18. What is a split order?
19. What is an emergency off?
20. Is there such thing as an "emergency on"?
21. If I request a non-emergency off or an unscheduled on, how long do I have to wait for the task to be completed?
22. How much water am I allowed to order?
23. Do I get charged the same if my meter is on a pump line system?