Government Transparency


Coachella Valley Water District’s website is devoted to providing valuable information about the district and important water-related issues. It is a transparency tool, as well as an educational resource. The collection of information in this section is intended to provide easy access to public information related to our operations, services and finances.

If you are looking for public information that's not listed on the website, you may submit a Public Records Request Form in writing to the Clerk of the Board Sylvia M. Bermudez at, or PO Box 1058, Coachella CA 92236.

Coachella Valley Water District has received recognition for completing all of the requirements of a Special District Leadership Foundation’s program, which is designed to promote transparency in a special district’s operations and governance to the public and other stakeholders.


District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Recipient


CVWD was formed by voters in 1918 to protect and conserve local water sources. CVWD is a special district established by the state legislature and governed by a five-member, elected Board of Directors. Directors serve four-year terms and represent a division of the district, but are elected at-large by all voters. The Board of Directors set policy and approve the annual budget and large expenditures in public meetings, pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act.

The Board of Directors sets policy and represents the ratepayers. The Board of Directors generally meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at district offices. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings to learn more about the water district. The first meeting of the month typically is held at the Palm Desert office, and the second meeting of the month typically is held at the Coachella office. Exceptions to this schedule do occur. Meeting agendas are posted on-line three business days prior to a meeting and include the time and location. Anyone can subscribe to an e-mail distribution of upcoming board agendas.

Mission Statement

To meet the water-related needs of the people through dedicated employees, providing high quality water at a reasonable cost.


CVWD serves approximately 110,000 homes and businesses across 1,000 square miles. The staff is organized into eight primary departments and several divisions.


CVWD employees and Board of Directors are bound by policies and requirements to ensure transparency and ethical behavior. The policies comply with the specific requirements of the Fair Political Practices Act, the Ralph M. Brown Act, Public Records Act and statutory requirements for biennial ethics and sexual harassment prevention training, among others.

Ethics Training Certificates

G. Patrick O’Dowd, Anthony Bianco, John Powell Jr., Peter NelsonCástulo R. Estrada

Financial Information

Annually, the Board of Directors approves the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets prior to the July 1 start of the fiscal year. Prior to approval, several preliminary details are presented and discussed during public study sessions. The 2018-2019 Coachella Valley Water District Operating Budget is balanced and reflects the cost to provide a number of critical water-related services.

Compensation and Benefits

CVWD employees are represented by three bargaining units. A majority are represented by the Coachella Valley Water District Employees Association (CVWDEA). Mid-level managers are represented by the Association of Supervisory Support Evaluation Team (ASSET) and top level managers are represented by the Association of Coachella Valley Water District Managers (ACVWDM). Copies of all three Memorandums of Understanding, including benefits and policies, are available for review.

Also available for review is a complete list of job classifications and salary ranges. A complete list of CVWD employee salaries is available on the California State Controller’s website.

Reimbursement and Compensation Policy

Board of Directors Outside Meeting Policy (PDF)
Board Committee Assignments Listing (PDF)

General Manager

The General Manager is an at-will employee appointed by the Board of Directors. The terms of his employment and benefits are outlined in this Employment Agreement, First Amendment to Employment Agreement (PDF)Second Amendment to Employment Agreement (PDF).

Assistant General Manager

The Assistant General Manager’s employment and benefits are outlined in this Employment Agreement.

Employee Benefits

  1. At the Coachella Valley Water District, we offer the following exceptional benefits to all of our full-time employees:

    Medical Coverage for the employee and their family: Employee has the choice of a HSA, PPO or one of two HMO plans. Premiums are partially paid by the District.

    Dental Plan and Vision Plan: Both Dental and Vision coverage are provided for District employees and their dependents.  Premiums are partially paid by the District.

    Life Insurance at no cost: Life insurance is provided for the employee for 1 ½ times their annual salary with a minimum of $50,000 of coverage and a maximum of $350,000 in coverage. The employee’s spouse and child(ren) are also offered a policy of between $500 - $2000 in coverage free of charge.

    Public Employees Retirement System (PERS): The Coachella Valley Water District participates in the 2.5% @55 PERS Plan for those who meet the definition of Classic Members in PERS.  Classic members currently pay 8% towards PERS retirement on a pre-tax basis.  Effective January 1, 2013, new members to PERS participate in the 2% @62 program and new employees pay one half of the normal cost towards PERS retirement on a pre-tax basis.

    Social Security: The District participates in Social Security.

    Deferred Compensation: Three different deferred compensation plans are offered to District employees.

    Long Term Disability Insurance: Paid for by District employees.

    Holidays: 13 per year (8 set holidays, 40 hours floating holiday time)

    Vacation: 80 hours per year earned for the first five years of service, 120 hours per year earned for year six through year ten, 160 hours per year earned thereafter

    Alternative Work Week:  Employees in some departments have the option to work a 9/80 schedule where the employee works 9 hours a day and has every other Friday or Monday.  

    Sick Leave: District Employees accrue 96 hours of sick leave per year

    Safety Shoes and Uniforms: Both safety shoes and uniforms are provided by the District when required by the hazards of the job.

    Educational Reimbursement: District Employees are reimbursed up to $3,000 per fiscal year for approved courses. $6,000 per year is reimbursable for upper division courses in an approved degree program.

    Note: Benefits and deductions are subject to change or modification at any time without notice.

Board of Directors Benefits

  1. Below is an overview of Board of Director benefits:

    Board Directors receive up to $223 per meeting attended with a maximum of 10 meetings per month and one meeting per day.
    Form 806, Agency Reporting of Public Official Appointments

    Medical Coverage for Directors and their families: Directors have the choice of a PPO or two HMO plans. Premiums are partially paid by the District. If the Director chooses not to enroll in the medical coverage, they are eligible to receive reimbursement for medical expenses up to $450 per month when covered by a non-District plan.

    Directors who had served a minimum of 12 years, prior to January 2013, are eligible to receive Medicare Medigap insurance coverage for themselves and their spouses upon reaching Medicare eligibility. This benefit was eliminated in January 2013. No other Medical coverage is offered to Directors or their families upon leaving office, unless eligible for COBRA benefits.

    Dental Plan and Vision Plan: Both dental and vision coverage are provided for District Directors and their dependents. Premiums are partially paid by the District. No dental or vision benefits are offered after leaving office.

    Public Employees Retirement System (PERS): Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District do not participate in PERS.

Enterprise System Catalog

The California Public Records Act (CPRA) requires local agencies such as Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems and post it on its website. Enterprise System Catalog